Tech Update

AOL to Launch VoIP Service
I am curious as to why they keep offering different flavors of this product, TWC rolled out VOIP last year. I guess they figured this might push more of their dinosaur dial up subscribers into switching to an AOL broadband connection.

SD 400  SD 500

New Digital ELPHs available for pre-order at

I have been lusting after an ELPH for a while now, now I have two more to choose from. I couldn’t decide between the S410 and S500, which are generally available for $300 or less. Now I have to wait for Phil Askey to review the new models before I make my purchase.

Canon SD400 5 MP Camera $399
This is the 5 MP successor to the popular SD300 compact camera.

Canon SD500 7 MP Camera $499
This is the 7 MP successor to the popular S410/s500 line of compact cameras. The new camera takes an SD card as opposed to a CF card, hence the name change in the product line. This camera is slightly larger and heavier than the ultra-compact SD300/SD400 series.