Jango.com is the latest entry into the crowded music referral space (iLike.com, Pandora, Last.fm etc.). According to them, “Jango is a new custom radio/social networking site that plays the music you ask for and lets you tune in to other people with similar taste”.
Jango is still in private beta right now, but email me if you’d like an invite (I’ve got lots).
“Not only can users discover, publish, collect, store, and share all forms of content (e.g. art, photos, videos, blogs, and bookmarks) all in one place, but the site also provides them with capabilities to consolidate, manage and store profiles, pages and media from YouTube, Flickr, MySpace, and Facebook all in one place. In other words, Uber is a virtual library where users can store their digital footprints.” [Trendcentral.com]