Enter code MORESTEAK at checkout and receive TWO FREE STEAKS (Rib Eye USDA Choice) in your next order. Offer expires August 15, 2008*.
*Limited-time offer; expires 8/15/08. May not be combined Âwith any other offer. Limit: one per customer/household. All standard customer terms and conditions apply. Offer is nontransferable. Void where prohibited. Your two free rib eye steaks will be delivered uncooked. Free products will not appear in your cart but will automatically included in your order.
– via FatWalllet
delivered uncooked?!?!? hahaha.
i was out for lunch yesterday and some street team people were handing out samples of water and some kind of fruit leather thing along with this card that gives companies $100 in free food for the office. The promo is FDNEWOFC and its only for new customers, and you have to use your work email and address (apparently the code doesnt work for home addresses) but a totally great deal because they said that freshdirect just dropped its minimum office order to $50, which is basically totally free food. we put a big order in for a bunch of us who work late and never have anything godd to eat around.
I thought the “delivered uncooked” thing was pretty hilarious too.
didn’t work
Try FASTFRUIT25 – 25% off vegetables and fruit..