The prestigious annual art show, “Art Basel Miami Beach” is happening on December 4 – 7, 2008 and a lot of bands (many from Brooklyn) are performing in and around Miami during the week of show. Here’s what I could find out about the music at this year’s Art Basel (I’m sure I’m missing a few things):
Art Basel 2008 Music Roundup
Art Loves Music
Yelle, 8MTS
Wednesday, December 3
Concert will take place directly on the beach between 21st and 22nd Streets in Miami Beach.
Miami Beach, FL
The Homegrown Event:
Raffa and Rainer, Rachel Goodrich, Jesse Jackson, ArtOfficial, and the Spam Allstars perform; LEBO and Francesco LoCastro exhibit their art.
Wednesday, December 3
The Vagabond
30 NE 14th St.
Miami, FL
$10, 21+
Thursday, December 4
The Blacksheep Bar
Miami Beach, FL
Free with RSVP
Awesome New Republic
Thursday, December 4
Miami Art Museum
101 West Flagler Street
Miami, Florida, 33130
Time: 8PM – 12AM
Kill Your Idols Art Basel:
Matt and Kim, Nodzz, 8MTS
Thursday, December 4
The Marcy Building
3852 N Miami Ave (in the design district N.E. 38th St)
It Ain’t Fair Presents:
The Gossip After Dark
Thursday, December 4
A performance of karaoke, video and other weird things plus Special Guest DJ’s
3100 NW 7th Ave.
Miami, FL
Kill Your Idols Art Basel:
Reigning Sound, Brutal Knights, Hex Dispensers
Friday, December 5
The Marcy Building
3852 N Miami Ave (in the design district N.E. 38th St)
ADULT. with Yip Yip
Friday, December 5
White Room
1306 N. Miami Ave.
Miami, FL
Astari Night
Andy Rourke DJ Set
Friday, December 5
PS14, 28 NE 14th St.
Miami, FL
Kill Your Idols Art Basel:
Annihilation Time, Caustic Christ, Sex/Vid
Friday, December 5
The Marcy Building
3852 N Miami Ave (in the design district N.E. 38th St)
Modernage,Tommie Sunshine
The Vagabond
Friday, December 5
30 NE 14th St.
Miami, FL
Kill Your Idols Art Basel:
Times New Viking, Pink Reason
Saturday, December 6
The Marcy Building
3852 N Miami Ave (in the design district N.E. 38th St)
MSTRKRFT with Pauly Crush , Jessica Who & Friends
Saturday, December 6
Heathrow Lounge
681 Washington Ave.
Miami Beach, FL
Prefuse 73, Eliot Lipp
Sunday, December 7
Heathrow Lounge
681 Washington Ave.
Miami Beach, FL
I dug a lot of this stuff up at The Miami New Times blog. A couple more flyers after the jump.