Loft Party Pics w/ Inlets, Glass Ghost, Fred Nicolaus, Angel Deradoorian + Bonus Hipsters

Loft Party
Photos: Tim Griffin

On Saturday, December 13, there was a “secret” loft party in Williamsburg featuring Inlets, Glass Ghost, Angel Deradoorian of Dirty Projectors, and Fred Niclaus of Department of Eagles. Tim Griffin was there to capture the action and from the looks of it, when people weren’t incessantly checking their text messages, they seemed to be having a pretty good time. Also spotted that evening, the illusive North American Hipster.

Fred Nicolaus
Fred Niclaus @ Loft Party

Angel Deradoorian
Angel Deroodian @ Loft Party

Glass Ghost
Glass Ghost @ Loft Party

Inlets @ Loft Party

A shitload more band and “last night’s hipster party” pictures after the jump (definitely worth the look).

Loft Party Pics
Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Loft Party People

Fred Nicolaus
Fred Niclaus @ Loft Party

Fred Niclaus @ Loft Party

Fred Niclaus @ Loft Party

Angel Deradoorian
Angel Deroodian @ Loft Party

Angel Deroodian @ Loft Party

Glass Ghost
Glass Ghost @ Loft Party

Glass Ghost @ Loft Party

Glass Ghost @ Loft Party

Glass Ghost @ Loft Party

Glass Ghost @ Loft Party

Glass Ghost @ Loft Party

Glass Ghost @ Loft Party

Glass Ghost @ Loft Party

Inlets @ Loft Party

Inlets @ Loft Party

Inlets @ Loft Party

Inlets @ Loft Party

Inlets @ Loft Party

Inlets @ Loft Party

Inlets @ Loft Party

Inlets @ Loft Party

Inlets @ Loft Party

Inlets @ Loft Party

One Comment

  1. sam says:

    A commie poster in an enormous, expensive BBurg loft. How asinine.

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