The Weakerthans at MHOW (09/18/09)
Rock Plaza Central at MHOW (09/18/09)
Photos: Matt Fricovsky
I know, I know, a little late to press on this one, but hey, better than never for my Canadian homies. Here’s a review from the Thursday night show:
Rock Plaza Central had a veritable menagerie of instruments on stage, which they switched between with ease – their violinist did double duty on trombone, one guy was switching between a mandolin, guitar, and trumpet, and they all sang in gorgeous sometimes six part harmony. They went through the usual, we’re from Canada, is anyone here from Canada, then: “Does anyone here dream of Canada?” Which, met with a resounding yes, summed up the evening quite well.
As for The Weakerthans: I love these guys, have for a while, John K. Sampson’s lyrics are some of my all time favorites; they express the kinds of sentiments you felt and never had a name for in perfectly poetic fashion, and it’s quite easy to adopt any and all as personal anthems.
We were treated to a mix of old and new favorites, a Virtute the cat double header, and a two part encore, as no one was willing to stop screaming and clapping and let the guys leave the stage entirely. []
More photos from Friday night’s show after the jump.
Rock Plaza Central
The Weakerthans