A year after the departure of their major sponsor, the New York Jazz Festival will return on June 17-26, 2010 with the backing of long time festival impresario George Wein and his new sponsor CareFusion.
For the 2010 CareFusion New York Jazz Festival, Wein will ‘accentuate the positive’ by producing concerts in partnership with some of the city’s most unique and culturally significant venues. The venues will include: Carnegie Hall, City Parks Foundation’s Central Park SummerStage, Crotona Park in the Bronx, City Winery, Harlem Stage Gatehouse, The Jazz Gallery, Jazz Standard, (Le) Poisson Rouge, Louis Armstrong House Museum, Music Hall of Williamsburg, Peter Norton Symphony Space, Prospect Park Bandshell: Celebrate Brooklyn, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Studio Museum in Harlem and The Town Hall.
New Festival Productions and its partners already have contracted a number of artists. Most shows at partner venues will be priced between $15 to $20, making it possible for more music lovers to participate in festival events. [eJazzNews.com]
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