“A Bend In The Road” by Bend Sinister
It’s been a rough weekend and I’m super exhausted, but I just wanted to give a quick Monday morning shout out to this excellent looking documentary on touring Canada by Vancouver’s Bend Sinister. Let’s hope it comes out soon.
In other Bend Sinister news, the band recently made the finals for the lucrative 100.5 FM Peak Performance competition in Vancouver, BC, which means they’ve got at least 50K (CDN) coming to them after their January 22, 2010 gig at the Commodore Ballroom. The other Peak Performance finalists include Langley’s The Left and Kelowna’s We Are The City. The first place winner of the Peak Performance competition will take home $150,000, second place gets $75,000, and third place receives $50,000, not too shabby any way you slice it.
(If you’re a fan of Queen, you might enjoy Bend Sinister.)