Feist on Colbert Last Night, Hammerstein Tonight, Conan Wed

Feist Performance on The Colbert Report (04/28/08) Feist Interview on The Colbert Report (04/28/08) Feist will be playing at the Hammerstein Ballroom tonight and tomorrow with the talented Hayden (Desser). Like I mentioned above, she’ll also be on Late Night with Conan O’Brien on Wednesday night. Tickets for Feist’s Hammerstein Ballroom shows are sold out…

Flickr Video is Live!

Enslaved @ SXSW 2008 (HeadOvMetal) Could Flickr video be the next YouTube? Nah. Not yet at least. Some excerpts from the Flickr video FAQ below: Is video available to everyone? Only pro members can upload video content, but anyone can view it, provided they have permission. Are there any upload limits? No. If you’re a…

Pitchfork.TV and Videogum.com Launch

Pitchfork.TV You may recall that I reported on the imminent arrival of Videogum.com a few weeks ago, well it turns out that today (April 8th) was launch day for the new pop culture blog. Coincidentally, (or perhaps not), it was just yesterday that Pitchfork launched the horribly designed Pitchfork.TV which looks like an alt-MTV wannabe…

Langhorne Slim Wants You To Be In His Video (Letterman Tonight!)

Langhorne Slim Langhorne Slim is shooting a video for “Rebel Side of Heaven” this Monday, March 31st at The Box (189 Chrystie, between Rivington & Stanton) and they are looking for folks to be in it. So if you’re interested in achieveing your 15 minutes of video fame, send an email to slimvideo@kemado.com and they’ll…

The Raconteurs Release Album, Premiere New Video

The Raconteurs – “Salute Your Solution” The Raconteurs released their new album today, Consolers of The Lonely; the bits are available for download at theraconteurs.com and the CD is available for purchase in fine stores everywhere. The above video for “Salute Your Solution” was directed by Autumn De Wilde and it contains over 2500 still…

Portishead Premieres New Video

Here it is: Portishead – “Machine Gun” (from the forthcoming album Third) Also, check these online trailers out: Trailer 1, Trailer 2.