Guitar Hero World Tour Is Here, Beatles Join Rock Band

The latest installment of Guitar Hero franchise, Guitar Hero World Tour, is on the shelves now and like it’s Rock Band cousin, the new game includes drums and microphone. Check out the Brett Ratner directed commercial for GHWT below. Guitar Hero World Tour (Risky Business: Athletes) Here’s what slashfilm had to say about that piece… Launches With Streaming Music and Your Photostream

Photo: via via You may recall that it was recently revealed that Warner Music pumped $20 million into and the site relaunched on Tuesday (Oct 21) with DRM free downloads and 10 cent music streams. Oh yeah, and one more thing, the new site launched with thousands of pictures taken from…

Seagate Free Agent Go 320 GB Hard Drive Giveaway

Hey, is your iPod overloaded? Did you take so many pictures at CMJ that you maxed out your macBook? Well, if either of those scenarios are true for you, or if you just want a cool new hard drive so you don’t lose your life the next time your primary HD fails, then have I…

CMJ Night 2: Where Were You Last Night?

After The Jump Showcase at The Knitting Factory (10/22/08) Photo: Bryan Bruchman Q: Where were you last night (October 22)? A: After The Jump Bloggers Respond Below. Dave says: The Whitsundays (from Alberta) at The Village Underground, then off to the Knitting Factory for Motel Motel, A Sunny Day In Glasgow, Pains of Being…