2007 Weblog Awards

Hey, I’m not saying I could do a better job than this on the whole, but the nominees in the music category certainly contain some questionable choices at best. The omission of such top ranked blogs as BrooklynVegan, Music For Robots, Gorilla vs Bear, You Ain’t No Picasso, and The Music Slut makes this whole…

The Machine Is Us/ing Us

So it’s only been viewed about 4 million times now, but I just heard about it yesterday. Check out the most popular video on YouTube below.

F.C.C. Set to End Sole Cable Deals for Apartments

It really infuriated me when I called up a competing cable company and was told that my block “exclusively” Time Warner. Hopefully this latest move by the F.C.C. will change all that nonsense, and make my ridiculous cable bill a little cheaper at the same time. WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 “”The Federal Communications Commission, hoping to…

Guitar Hero III Unleashed

Much to the delight of schoolboys, baseball pitchers, and perpetual adolescents everywhere, Activision/Red Octane released Guitar Hero III on Sunday, the latest incarnation of its widely popular Guitar Hero series. Apparently, some people are awesome at it already! Check out the GHIII track list after the jump.

Mark Zuckerberg: Paper Billionaire

Here’s a little tidbit from VentureWire that you kids makin’ the websites might find interesting: Mark Zuckerberg, the 23-year-old face of online social-networking company Facebook Inc., is officially a multi-billionaire and one of the richest Americans – at least on paper. Microsoft Corp.’s $240 million investment in Facebook values the start-up at $15 billion, or…

MySpace and Skype Announce Partnership

Photo via Wired Blog Network I know, how dare me post this days old news. Gimme me a break, last week was CMJ. Oct. 17 – MySpace, the world’s most popular social network, and Skype, the leading Internet communications company, today announced a partnership to empower the MySpace community with voice communications. With more than…