to Sell Music for iPod

+ Online retailer says it’s joining the movement to sell songs that can be copied for free to computers, cell phones or music players, including the iPod. Until now, iPod users were mostly restricted to music available in Apple’s iTunes store. [NPR’s Morning Edition]

WordPress 2.2 Available Now

I think I’m gonna try and upgrade. Hopefully, we won’t go down. – Ed. UPDATE: That wasn’t too painful (famous last words). has Acquired

The overall best retailer on the Internet has acquired the best independent photo review site on the Internet, let’s hope they (both) stay that way. [Read the Press Release] PS I still usually buy my cameras at, but that’s only because they have CRRRRAZY coupons.

Bill Could Save Internet Radio

“Webcasters found possible legislative help Thursday in their fight against a dramatic increase in music royalty rates, but they still have no solution for Internet radio’s most pressing problem: the bills are due on May 14. Earlier this month, the U.S. Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) upheld a March 1 decision to nearly triple the royalty…

iTunes Selling DRM Free Music, Other Music Digital Store Now Open

I know this was in the news a few weeks ago, but EMI music is now selling 256kbps AAC encoded non-DRM music on iTunes for $1.29 per song. Also, any EMI tunes you’ve previously purchased from the iTunes store can be upgraded to the new, higher-quality versions for just 30 cents apiece. If you ask…

Free 411 From Google and Other Numbers You Should Know

To use Google’s new free 411 service, just dial 1-800-GOOG-411 (1-800-466-4411) from any phone. Using this service, you can search for a local business by name or category, get connected to the business, free of charge, and get the details by SMS if you’re using a mobile phone. Jonathan of MyMoneyBlog also reminds us that…