This week Drake waxes poetic on the debut from Vancouver, BC’s Japandroids (just in case you thought we were talking about Vancouver, WA), Sub Pop’s new “Great Pop Hope”, Fruit Bats, and the appropriator of his literary catchphrase, Mr. Joe Pernice. -ed. Drake’s Take: New Releases 08.04.09 While the past few weeks have been hot,…
Tag: Drake’s Take
Drake’s Take: New Releases 07.21.09
Quick doubleshot of Drake’s Take and I’m pretty much caught up with the new releases now (except that it’s already Tuesday again, sigh). -ed. Drake’s Take: New Releases 07.21.09 A few more releases this week that I’d been looking forward to, including the latest from The Fiery Furnaces and the sophomore release from Baltimore’s Wye…
Drake’s Take: New Releases 07.14.21
There’s been so much going on lately that I’ve let Drake’s Take fall into arrears once again. Some of you may recall that a little band called The Dead Weather released a new album a couple of weeks ago. -ed. Drake’s Take: New Releases 07.14.21 Jack White’s latest project, The Dead Weather, headlines this otherwise…
Drake’s Take: New Releases 07.07.09
So the good news is, this is one of the more timely new release posts I’ve put in a while, the bad news is I haven’t really heard too many of the records below so there’s not much “Yin” to Drake‘s “Yang” this week (none, actually). Maybe I’ll catch up by listening to some of…
Drake’s Take: New Releases 06.30.09
It was a bit of a slow week for new music, but Drake‘s got the lowdown on the latest from Spoon and Wilco, two of my former faves who haven’t really been in heavy rotation since the seminal “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” and the balls out rocker “Girls Can Tell”. Sadly, I don’t think these two…
Drake’s Take: New Releases 06.23.09
Playing catch up again with Drake, here’s the first of an Independence Day Weekend double shot. -ed Drake’s Take: New Releases 06.23.09 This week perfectly illustrates what makes this such a great year for music. Looking at it on the calendar some time ago, there was some excitement, but who knew there’d be so many…