FreshDirect Code: 30% Off Selected Items with Your Amex

Get a healthy heaping of savings with FreshDirect’s Summer Slim-Down section. Designed by FreshDirect’s in-house nutritionist, the list contains more than 100 nutritious food picks to keep you in tip-top shape this summer. Plus, get FreshDirect’s speedy delivery right to your front door. American Express Cardmembers save 30 percent on the entire list with promo…

Free Delivery From FreshDirect for Six Weeks

  Enter the code SIXYEARS at checkout and receive FREE DELIVERY each time you shop from now through August 31.* *Web orders only. Offer expires 8/31/08. Maximum promo code use: 25 orders. Offer is nontransferable. -Thx SarahSpy As always, your mileage may vary. -ed.

25% Off All FreshDirect 4-Minute Meals

Enter code SMARTMEALS at checkout and save 25% on all smart and simple and eating well 4 minute meals from FreshDirect. Offer expires 8/15/08. Discount applies at checkout. May not be combined with any other offer. Limit: one-time use per customer/household.

More Free Food From FreshDirect

Place your next order of $50 or more by 07/22/2008 for your choice between two FREE Heat & Eat entrées.* Choose either: Grilled Thin-Crust 12″ Mozzarella Pizza (Reg. $7.99/ea) Enter the code PIZZA08 at checkout. or: Antibiotic-Free Rotisserie Chicken (Reg. $9.99/ea) Enter the code CHICKEN08 at checkout. This offer expires on 07/22/2008. -via FatWallet

More FreshDirect Coupon Codes

Enter the code FASTFRUIT25 at checkout and receive 25% off all Fruit and Vegetables purchases.* *Web orders only. Offer expires 12/31/08. May not be combined with any other promotional offer. Limit: one-time use per customer/household. All standard customer terms and conditions apply. Void where prohibited. Offer is nontransferable. Enter the code GREATMEAT at checkout and…

Free Delivery From FreshDirect

Enter the code INGREDIENTS at checkout and receive FREE DELIVERY on your next order.* * Limited-time offer. Expires 07/10/2008. Valid for first-time customers only. May not be combined ­with any other offer. Limit: one per customer/household.All standard customer terms and conditions apply. Offer is nontransferable. Void where prohibited.