John Butler Trio at Central Park Summerstage Photo: Jon Klemm May 2 2010 The Ludlow Thieves Mercury LoungeNew York, NY06:30 PM Buy Ticketspresale ends:Fri, 04/15/1111:00 AM May 4 2010 Machinedrum, Timonkey, Mike Slott, Futexture Mercury LoungeNew York, NY09:30 PM Buy Ticketspresale ends:Fri, 04/15/1111:00 AM May 10 2010 Lanie Lane Mercury LoungeNew York, NY06:30 PM Buy…
Tag: Jennifer Hudson
Netflix Presents: The Wizard of Oz Live in Central Park w/ Jennifer Hudson, Julianne Hough and ?uestlove
JHud and The Wizard of Oz in Central Park, umm, does it get any better than this? Also, if you read the last paragraph closely, you’ll notice that Netflix will be serving up free streams of the 70 year old classic film at on October 3, 2009. We’re proud to present a 70th anniversary…