Wednesday, May 20th @ 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm $15 PS 107 presents: MEN: MIR- & HODG- The Fourth Floor of PS 107 (8th Avenue bet. 13th and 14th Streets in Park Slope, Brooklyn) Buy Tickets AN EVENING OF EUGENE MIRMAN AND JOHN HODGMAN TALKING WITH EACH OTHER, and maybe a special guest or two….
Tag: Simon Rich
“The Line” Screening at UCB Wednesday Night
The Line, Ep 2: The Five-Minute Rule Bill Hader‘s web series, The Line, which premiered this summer over at and had a splashy party at the Wired Store a few weeks ago, is screening tonight at UCB (Jan 13). Hader, Seth Meyers, and SNL writer Simon Rich will be there for a “super pretentious”…
Comedy Monday and My 3000th Post!
The Line, Ep 1: The FutureSpace Showdown Begins On Monday, December 15 (tonight), Seth Meyers, Bill Hader, Jason Sudeikis and SNL writer Simon Rich, will appear at the Wired store at 15 W. 18th Street to promote their “new” online series The Line. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be served, 100-person limit. RSVP ASAP to…