Congratulations to Fucked Up, the winners of the 2009 Polaris Music Prize for Best Canadian Album. In case you’ve never seen Fucked Up live and you live in NYC, you’ve got a primo chance to see them play coming up very soon. They’ll be performing the award winning The Chemistry of Common Life live and…
Tag: Vivian Girls
Bumbershoot Sunday: Recap and Photos
Vivian Girls at Bumbershoot 2009 in Seattle, WA (09/06/09) Photos and Words: Drake LeLane Check out Drake‘s recap from Day 2 of Bumbershoot 2009 below: Day 2 of Bumbershoot was like the first in that the weather looked grim initially, but held up fine once things got going. Other than that, though, it was quite…
Northside Festival Details Announced, Badges On Sale
The lineup for the First Annual Northside Festival was announced today and here’s what the press release said: Oh, hey, look it’s Monday and it’s rainy and miserable outside. Which is why you’re seated comfortably in front of your computer looking for things to brighten your otherwise awful day. So the timing is perfect,…